
4 types of body fat: Which one do you have?

​4 types of body fat

Depending on what you eat, how you eat and how much you eat, your body can assume a certain shape. It isn’t same for all; some bulge at the tummy, some at the hips, while some get love handles. However, the shape our body assumes isn’t random. It is very much affected by our lifestyles. Here’s looking at four different body shapes and why the fat accumulates where it accumulates.

​High stress type

Do you often take a lot of stress? Sure, it’s bad for mental peace but it is also not good for your body. Stress means more cortisol in your body and more cortisol translates to visceral fat, especially around your stomach.

To get rid of this type of fat, indulge in calming activities, such as meditation. Indulge in activities that boost your happy hormones.

​High sugar type

Sugar lover? We don’t blame you. However, when you eat a lot of sugar, your body responds by producing more insulin. This leads to love handles and flabs around your waistline.

To get rid of this, make your food rich in sugar cutting spices, such as garlic, oregano and cinnamon. For exercise, you can indulge in core toning, such as planks and crunches.

​High estrogen type

If you have excessive weight around your butts and have always had strong PMS symptoms, you probably have high estrogen levels in your body.

This can be controlled by eating vegetables that are rich in phytochemicals, such as broccoli. Also, do squats with your feet facing outward.

​Low testosterone type

If you hate your arm flabs and find it hard to tone your biceps, you may have low testosterone levels in your body. Unlike other types which are results of excess of hormones, arm flabs are a result of a deficit.

To fix this, incorporate more vitamin D in your diet, such as through mushrooms. For vegetarians, the options may be less, so they can even opt for vitamin D supplements. For exercise, you can indulge in strength training.

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